How to Treat Balance & Sway Problems
Discuss your condition with your doctor. He will be able to carry out a number of tests to identify the root cause of the problem you are having and prescribe a suitable course of medication.
Avoid sudden or rapid movements, such as standing up too quickly, if your balance problems are caused by low blood pressure -- also known as hypotension. This can cause an additional drop in blood pressure, causing dizziness and unconsciousness in severe cases.
Go for regular walks. Exercise that requires balance -- such as walking and running -- can help you manage your condition. Even while standing still, gently shift your balance from one foot to the other. This will help train your body to cope with any balance issues.
Avoid situations in which your stress levels will rise, as some balance problems are exacerbated by stress. If you do find yourself stressed, relieve your tension by taking a long walk or a hot bath, or doing some other activity that you find relaxing. You may even find that therapy sessions help to calm you down.