What Are the Causes of Reading Disability?
Reading disorders such as dyslexia can be linked to neurological deficiencies. Reading is a complex process where the eye muscles follow a sequence of letters. The brain must integrate variables such as sentence structure, grammar, format and visual cues. These factors must be coordinated together and associated with specific meanings for comprehension to take place. Neurological dysfunctions that result in any of these processes being slowed down or broken potentially can result in a reading disability. Genetic inheritance from their parents might be a factor in many people's disabilities, says the Encyclopedia of Mental Disorders.
Environmental influences can play a role in a a reading disability's severity. Possible factors include local social norms, parenting, poverty, gender issues, incarceration effects and anti-social behavior. Effective parenting and teaching methods from a young age can help a child overcome many of her difficulties. Weaknesses can be identified and worked around. Strengths can be used to enhance and improve the child's reading ability.
Combination of Factors
A mix of genetic and environmental factors can combine to cause a reading disability. In many cases, genetic inheritance can only partially explain a person's difficulties. Having difficulty with reading can lead to avoiding the subject. This can potentially lead to teasing, an inferiority complex and anti-social behavior that can worsen the pre-existing reading disability. Without special help, a child with an inherited reading disability can worsen quickly.
Acquired from Accidents
Reading disabilities can be acquired after birth from an accident or medical conditions. Exposure to certain pesticides or metals, significant head injuries or malnutrition can all cause damage to the body, possibly leading to a reading disability.