How to Practice Yoga for Epilepsy
Things You'll Need
- Mat or large towel
- 1 to 3 yoga blocks (optional)
- Folded blanket (optional)
Step onto your mat or towel with your feet hip width apart to begin yoga breathing. Inhale, lengthen your spine and fill your rib cage with air. Exhale and draw your belly button into your spine. Inhale and look at the sky or ceiling, then exhale and release tension in your jaw, shoulders, lower back and hips. Make your breath loud, like wind going through a tunnel, and visualize it warming up your spine. Keep breathing until your whole back feels warm and tingly.
Forward folds send nourishing blood to the brain. Exhale your belly down toward your hips for forward fold pose. Clasp opposite elbow to opposite hand or reach right hand to right ankle and left hand to left ankle. Explore your back flexibility by bringing your belly closer to your hips with each exhale you take. Stay in forward fold pose for several breaths or many. Repeat the pose several times if you like.
Begin downward-facing dog from an all fours position. Come to hands and knees on your mat or towel to prepare for downward-facing dog pose. Place palms below the shoulders, shoulder width apart and knees below the hips, hip width apart. Inhale and push your hips up toward the ceiling or sky and your chest back toward your feet. Your body will be shaped like an inverted V. Inhale and lengthen the spine. Exhale and and bring your belly button into your spine. Stay in downward-facing dog for five deep breaths, then return to your hands and knees. Repeat the pose a few times, if you like, staying in it for several breaths or many.
Lay with your back on your mat and your knees bent for corpse pose. Extend your legs one at a time. Let your feet and arms fall open toward the ceiling or sky. Let your lower teeth hang from your upper teeth. Let your eyeballs float in their sockets. Allow all tension to melt away. Your mind stays in the present moment with your body. Let random thoughts drift through your consciousness and focus on your breath. Stay in corpse pose for two to three minutes or longer.
Explore more yoga by attending classes led by a certified instructor. Forward fold, downward-facing dog and corpse pose are basic yoga positions you will find in any yoga class. According to Mayo Clinic, yoga is a suitable therapy for reducing the side effects of epilepsy treatment medication including fatigue, dizziness, weight gain and loss of coordination.