Products for Memory Loss
Talking Prescription Boxes
Memory loss often comes with age. It also often brings the use of prescription drugs that can aid in living a long and healthy life. For some, especially those with memory loss, keeping track of what prescriptions to take, when and how often can be quite a challenge. Talking prescription boxes make remembering when to take daily medications much simpler. These boxes say exactly how many pills to take, when and for what. Talking Rx, Life With Ease and Tel-RX are talking prescription boxes on the market.
Photo Phones
Remembering phone numbers can be challenging for those suffering memory loss. Photo phones make it easy to call up friends and family members with the touch of a single, customizable button. Each preset button with a different phone number contains a slot to insert a picture of the person matching the phone number. Ameriphone, Clarity and Delkin Devices all manufacture Photo Phones available in home goods stores or online.
Calendars and Daily Organizers
Keeping an organized calendar with important dates and appointments is crucial for those with memory loss. Whether it be in digital or hand-written form, a daily planner is one of the most important investments a cognitively challenged individual can make. These tools allow those suffering from memory loss to maintain independence without relying on others to remind them of their daily appointments and to-dos. Lifetime makes a Voice Calendar and Talking Organizer made especially for those suffering from memory loss. Casio makes an electronic day planner that would also suit the job. You can find these products in many places, including office supply stores, electronic stores and some department stores.
Multi-Alarm Watches
Multi-Alarm watches are useful for remembering appointments and to take medications. Many of these watches have features a user can program under the name of the medication to be taken and at what time, or to type in a description of an appointment. The multi-alarm feature allows users to input several reminders at the same time. In other words, once the watch has been programmed for the day alerts will remind the user of certain events. Or the user can program the entire month. Medose, Cadex and Almeda are among brands that carry watches made specifically for the cognitively impaired.