How to Diagnose Myasthenia Gravis
Investigate the causes of myasthenia gravis. A breakdown in the transmission of nerve impulses to the muscles occurs at neuromuscular junctions, the site where nerve endings secrete the neurotransmitter acetylcholine and trigger a muscle contraction. Acetylcholine receptor antibodies, created by the immune system, prevent muscle contractions by blocking or destroying acetylcholine receptors in the muscles.
Compare your age and sex to those who typically develop this disease. Those commonly affected are young women under 40 and men over 60; however, this disease strikes people of all ages, including infants. Myasthenia gravis temporarily affects infants; it usually vanishes after two to three months of age. Adolescents sometimes develop myasthenia gravis, though it is uncommon. This disease strikes no specific race or ethnicity.
Compare the symptoms listed on the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke webpage to those you exhibit. The muscle weakness can be site-specific, meaning it is localized to one group of muscles such as those of the eyes, or systemic, in which case the weakness is widespread. Additional symptoms include eyelid drooping, blurry vision, swallowing difficulties, slurred speech, shortness of breath, an impaired gait and weakness in the neck, arms, legs, hands and fingers. If you develop some or all of the symptoms, make an appointment with your doctor to obtain a formal diagnosis.
Give your doctor a thorough and accurate medical history. He will identify any markers of myasthenia gravis and investigate any present indicators of other diseases.
Submit to a complete physical and neurological examination by your doctor. Should he suspect the presence of myasthenia gravis, he will confirm his diagnosis with medical tests. Doctors perform blood tests that indicate the presence of immune molecules or acetylcholine receptor antibodies, conduct CT scans and MRIs, measure breathing strength through pulmonary function testing and complete an EMG to identify faulty nerve-to-muscle transmissions of impulses.