Cramping & Burning with Neuropathy in the Lower Legs
Report your leg pain to a physician. A health-care practitioner will order tests to determine the cause of the neuropathy. According to MedlinePlus, some of these tests may include blood work and imaging studies like X-rays and CT scans. Once a disease or other possible cause is pinpointed, you may be referred to a neurologist who may perform nerve tests. Such tests may include an electromyography that will inspect the electrical activity in the leg muscles and nerve conduction velocity tests that check the speed of electrical impulses in a nerve.
Follow the recommended protocol to treat the cause of the pain. Eat healthily and take your medicine if you are diagnosed as diabetic. Stop drinking if alcohol consumption is diagnosed as the source of your neuropathy. Layer your clothing if your doctor determines that prolonged exposure to cold is causing your pain.
Control the pain by taking prescribed medications. Nerve painkillers include anti-convulsants and anti-depressants such as gabapentin, phenytoin, pregabalin, carbamazepine and duloxetine. If the pain is debilitating and limits movement, alternate therapy such as physical or occupational therapy and/or orthopedic devices may be recommended.
Install railings and remove obstructions from the floor of your surroundings that may further inhibit walking or cause dangerous slips and falls. Employ the use of braces, splints or even wheelchairs to help with mobility if your doctor recommends them. These interventions also lessen pressure to pressure points like the knees and ankles where new nerve damage can occur. Adjust the position of your body to take pressure off of the leg muscles if you have to remain in one stance for a long time.