What are symptoms of dislxia?
-Difficulty reading, writing, and spelling
-Slow and laborious reading
-Difficulty understanding what they have read
-Poor spelling
-Difficulty distinguishing between similar words or letters
-Confusion of similar-looking letters (such as b and d, or p and q)
-Difficulty remembering letter names and sounds
-Difficulty blending letters into words
-Problems with pronunciation
-Difficulty understanding the concept of rhyming
-Difficulty with comprehension
-Difficulty with math
-Poor handwriting
-Difficulty staying on the line when writing
-Difficulty copying from the board
-Difficulty organising tasks and planning ahead
-Lack of confidence and self-esteem
-Frustration and avoidance of reading and writing activities
-Difficulty with memory and organisation
-Difficulty following directions
-Difficulty telling time
-Difficulty with coordination and motor skills
-Difficulty staying focused and paying attention
-Difficulty with problem solving
-Difficulty making decisions
-Difficulty with abstract thinking
-Difficulty with social skills
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