What should a teacher do if student has seizure in the classroom?
1. Ensure safety:
- Move nearby objects and furniture away from the student to create a safe space.
2.Stay with the student:
- Sit down next to the student and talk calmly and reassuringly.
3.Time the seizure:
- Use your phone or watch to note the exact time the seizure begins.
4.Don't restrain:
- Do not restrain the student or try to hold them down.
5.Turn on their side (if possible):
- If the student is lying on their back, gently turn them onto their side to help prevent choking on saliva.
6.Clear airways:
- Ensure that the student's airway is clear. Loosen tight clothing, especially around the neck.
7.Protect the head:
- If possible, place something soft (like a jacket or cushion) under the student's head to prevent them from hitting their head.
8.Recovery position:
- Once the seizure stops, place the student in the recovery position (lying on their side with their head tilted back slightly) to facilitate breathing.
9.Stay calm:
- Stay with the student until the seizure stops and ensure that they regain consciousness.
10.Seek medical help:
- If the seizure lasts longer than five minutes, or if the student has multiple consecutive seizures, or if they are unresponsive or breathing abnormally, call 911 immediately.
11.Inform parents:
- As soon as possible, contact the student's parents or guardians to inform them about the incident.
12.Document the event:
- Record the details of the seizure, including the time it started, its duration, and any observations, such as the nature of the seizure and the student's behavior after the seizure. This information can be valuable for medical professionals.
- After the incident, discuss with the student and their family about creating a seizure action plan or updating their existing one. This plan should outline the steps to be taken in case of future seizures.
- Your primary goal is to ensure the student's safety and well-being during and after the seizure.
- Collaborate with the student's family and medical team to provide the best support and care for the student.
- Educate yourself about seizure first aid and any specific instructions provided by the student's medical team.