What does the medical phrase partially effaced vertex mean?
* Effacement refers to the thinning and shortening of the cervix. It is measured in percentages, with 0% representing a completely closed cervix and 100% representing a fully effaced cervix.
* Vertex refers to the top of the baby's head, which is usually the first part to engage in the pelvis during labor.
"Partially effaced vertex" means that the cervix is partially thinned and shortened, and the baby's head is engaged in the pelvis. This is a normal finding during labor and indicates that progress is being made.
Here are some additional details about cervical effacement and vertex engagement:
* Effacement typically begins in the early stages of labor and progresses as the contractions grow stronger and more frequent.
* Vertex engagement usually occurs after the cervix is 50% effaced.
* Once the cervix is fully effaced, it is said to be "ripe" for labor.
* The rate of effacement and vertex engagement can vary from woman to woman.
If you are pregnant and have any questions about cervical effacement or vertex engagement, be sure to talk to your doctor or midwife.