Vestibular Function Testing
People who suffer from dizzy spells, vertigo, or balance problems may have an impaired vestibular system, which Brain Training Associates describes as the portion of the inner ear that controls the sense of spatial positioning. Vestibular function testing can confirm whether the patient's symptoms have their origins in this part of the body.
Vestibular function testing typically includes electronystagmography, a series of tests that track eye movements and measure dizziness responses, according to Dr. Timothy C Hain of Northwestern Memorial Hospital. The rotating chair test can also yield data about how the inner ear reacts to physical movement while the eye and brain follow a target. The chair test may include tilting as well as rotation.
Vestibular testing identifies specific functional problems in the inner ear. If tests reveal that patient's symptoms do not spring from a vestibular disorder, doctors may have to test for other possible causes, including blood pressure problems, anxiety or a neurological issue.