Orthopedics and Cerebral Palsy
The goals of orthopedic treatment for cerebral palsy include reducing muscle tightness and preventing deformities. Orthopedic techniques used to reach these goals include medication, orthotics and surgery.
Orthopedists may prescribe baclofen or botox for patients to reduce muscle tightness. Baclofen can either be administered orally or via a surgically-implanted pump. Botox is administered through injections and relaxes the muscles by blocking the transmission of nerve impulses.
Orthotics are custom support devices worn to hold body parts in the proper position and prevent deformities. For cerebral palsy patients, orthopedists may prescribe orthotics, including AFOs (ankle foot orthotics), back braces, shoe inserts and knee immobilizers.
Common cerebral palsy-related problems that may require surgical intervention include irregular gait and hip dislocation. Adductor release, separating the adductor muscles at the groin, or pelvic osteotomy, relocating the hip, may be performed to treat these issues. Additionally, a surgical spinal procedure called selective dorsal rhizotomy may be done to reduce muscle tightness.
Cerebral palsy treatment is a collaborative effort. Orthopedic doctors may work with other medical professionals, such as physical therapists and occupational therapists, during treatment.