Simple & Complex Partial Seizures
Simple Partial Seizures
The experience of a simple partial seizure varies from person to person. Some people claim to enjoy them, since they sometimes bring about the feeling of déjà vu and heighten the senses. Others find simple partial seizures to be very unpleasant. Often, a simple partial seizure is a precursor to other seizures, such as complex partial seizures or secondarily generalized seizures. This occurs when the seizure activity spreads to other parts of the brain. Simple partial seizures usually last two minutes or less and are categorized as motor seizures, sensory seizures, autonomic seizures and psychic seizures.
Motor Seizures
Motor seizures cause a change in muscle activity. The person's finger may twitch or part of the body might stiffen. The person might also experience weakness, which can affect automatic hand movements and even laughter.
Sensory Seizures
Sensory seizures bring about changes in any of the senses. The person may smell and taste things that do not exist, or hear things that also aren't there. These types of seizures can be uncomfortable and even painful because they often give the person the sensation of pins and needles being stuck in them, and some people feel like they are floating or spinning in space. Illusions, such as a parked car moving away, are also common.
Autonomic Seizures
Autonomic seizures affect the body's functions. The person might feel strange sensations in the head, chest, or stomach. They sometimes experience a change in heart rate or breathing. They may sweat or have goose bumps.
Psychic Seizures
Psychic seizures affect the way a person thinks, feels and experiences things around them. These are characterized by speech difficulties, memory problems, inability to find the right words and difficulty in understanding written or spoken language. They may feel sudden overwhelming emotions and might feel like they are outside of their own bodies.
Complex Partial Seizures
Complex partial seizures, which usually last between 30 seconds and two minutes, start in a small area of the temporal lobe or frontal lobe of the brain, and quickly spread to involve other parts of the brain that affect alertness and awareness. Even though someone having this type of seizure might have their eyes open, and might be moving in a purposeful way, they are, in actuality, not "with it." It can even be as subtle as someone appearing to be daydreaming.