Signs & Symptoms of Epilepsy in Humans Only
Hallucinations are a sign of epilepsy that is only traceable in humans. According to the Neurology Channel, these hallucinations can include flashes of light, seeing solid images of things that are not there, talking to people that are not in the room and hearing sounds that no one else can hear.
A person with epilepsy may find it difficult to speak either at random moments, or just prior to a seizure. The vocal cords are temporarily paralyzed and the person is unable to create any sound at all.
A symptom that is exclusive to humans with epilepsy is nausea that could lead to vomiting. The nausea is often felt just prior to a seizure, and can become very violent as it leads into the seizure.
Psychological Symptoms
In some cases a human that suffers from epilepsy will look as though he is daydreaming and cannot focus. The person will be unable to comprehend the passage of time and he will start to lose track of the hours and days. There may also be a strong feeling of what is know as "deja vu." This is the feeling that a person has experienced an event or visited someplace in the past, but in reality he has not.