How to Eliminate Neuropathic Pain
Things You'll Need
- Capsaicin cream
- Lidocaine patch
- Vitamin supplement
- Bed Cradle
- Footboard
Eliminate the pain associated with neuropathy by taking medications prescribed by your doctor. Antidepressants are not given to people just for depression, they relieve nerve pain, according to the National Diabetes Information Clearing House. Take over the counter pain analgesics to control mild neuropathic pain.
Use skin patches, injections and creams to control the pain. The pain associated with neuropathy can be alleviated with patches and creams that are applied to the skin. These creams are available through your doctor and include capsaicin cream, which is made from cayenne pepper, and lidocaine patches and injections. Rub the cream or place the patch on your feet, as this is usually one of most painful areas when you have neuropathy.
Control your diabetes to reduce the symptoms of neuropathy including the nerve pain. Eat a proper diabetic diet and keep track of your insulin, to keep your glucose levels within the normal range. Improve your nutritional health by taking a vitamin supplement.
Exercise or get physical therapy as recommended by your doctor to increase muscle control and strength, which may eliminate the pain. Physical therapy and exercise can increase blood circulation and improve balance and strengthen muscles.
Eliminate the pain from sheets and blankets on your feet at night by using a device called a "bed cradle" or foot board. These devices lift the blankets up, so they don't press down on painful feet.