Is There Anyway to Reverse Neuropathy?
Causes of neuropathy include exposure to toxic substances or illnesses such as diabetes or alcoholism. In many cases the cause can’t be identified. Slowing the progression of neuropathy or reversing damage depends on identifying the cause.
Hereditary Neuropathy
Hereditary diseases, such as Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease or Friedreich’s ataxia sometimes cause neuropathy. Hereditary neuropathy is less likely to be reversible than acquired neuropathy. According to Medline Plus, most hereditary neuropathies have no cure. Some of these conditions lead to permanent, irreversible nerve damage.
Underlying Conditions
Neuropathy caused by underlying conditions can be treated. For example, if you have neuropathy as a complication of diabetes, you can arrest progression of neuropathy by keeping tight control over your blood sugar.
External Causes
If you have neuropathy from exposure to toxic substances, eliminating the cause may reverse damage. Discontinuing substance abuse may arrest neuropathy caused by alcoholism or drug abuse.
Making healthy lifestyle choices such as maintaining a healthy weight, eating a balanced diet, staying active and avoiding alcohol abuse can help slow the physical progression of some forms of neuropathy.