How to Monitor Nocturnal Seizures
Things You'll Need
- Baby monitor
- Seizure monitor
Keep a seizure journal detailing when seizures occur, how long they last and what after effects the patient experiences. Keeping a seizure journal can help you recognize common triggers, and nocturnal seizures may decrease in frequency if you avoid these triggers.
Use a baby monitor to help monitor seizures. While some seizures come on suddenly, many people know when they are about to have a seizure and can call out for help. The baby monitor can also help alert parents and caregivers if the seizing person falls out of bed.
Purchase a seizure monitor to help alert you of nocturnal seizures as soon as they occur. Seizure monitors include a small sensor that goes between the mattress and box spring to detect movement and sounds, and the caregiver has an alarm in her room. Most seizure monitors also include control boxes so that users can adjust the sensitivity.