Exercise Tape for People With Parkinson's Disease
Parkinson's symptoms vary from patient to patient, as does the degree to which the disease advances. Rigid muscles, tremors, slow movements, poor posture and loss of balance are prime symptoms and can all improve with daily exercises at home or with a therapist.
Exercising daily is one of the best treatments to thwart the negative effects of Parkinson's disease. Physical activity gets oxygen to the brain, combating further cell damage, loss of cognitive skills and muscle control that Parkinson's patients encounter.
Getting around is difficult for Parkinson's patients and using at-home exercise tapes is beneficial as well as convenient. Several DVDs feature a seated exercise program for Parkinson's patients to use in the privacy, safety and comfort of their own homes.
Exercise tapes for Parkinson's patients feature a slow and full body workout. They often include exercises for breathing, weight shifting and tips on correcting posture.
The American Parkinson Diseases Association offers an exercise and relaxation video for Parkinson's patients. Simple exercises aimed to improve mobility, strength, breathing and posture are included as well as relaxation techniques.
Exercises demonstrated on tapes especially for Parkinson's patients are easy to follow and flow smoothly from one to the next. Many are also quite motivational for both patients and caregivers.