Alternative Treatment for a Protruding Disk
How Do You Get a Protruding Disk?
Middle-aged and older persons, especially those involved in strenuous physical activity, are more likely to get a protruding disk. It may also be caused by a trauma of some sort, such as a car accident or lifting something heavy. Sitting improperly for long periods of time can also cause one. According to, a number of congenital conditions can also cause one.
What Are the Traditional Treatments?
Recommended treatment is generally open-back surgery, with certain risks, hospital stays and a lengthy recuperation time. If you don’t want any part of this, what else can you do? Nonsurgical, conservative treatment should be the first course of action taken, with the exception of some extreme instances (You should see your doctor immediately if you have problems urinating or having bowel movements, or if you have numbness around your genitals).
Treatments to Do at Home
All of these home treatments, suggested by, are a good place to start before you spend a great deal of money and time on the next level of treatments.<br />• Resting and avoiding activities that aggravate your symptoms are the first lines of attack because many protruding disk problems will resolve, given time. It is important to avoid activities that aggravate your symptoms.<br />• Over-the-counter pain and inflammation medications, including acetaminophen, aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen can help.<br />•?Ice and heat application can be extremely helpful in relieving the painful symptoms of a protruding disk. By helping to relax the muscles of the back, ice and heat applications can relieve muscle spasm and provide significant pain relief.
Treatments Outside the Home: Semi-Professional
These semi-professional treatments are suggested by for the next level of attack:<br />• Water therapy has become one of the most popular forms of exercise for spine problems.<br />• Core exercise programs, including Pilates & Yoga, are also recommended. <br />• Low-impact aerobic conditioning and personal training may help.<br />• Bracing to limit the motion and function of an area of the spine that is painful can give that area time to heal.<br />• Gyrotonic, a form of restoring normal motion and alignment of spines and joints, is another newer alternative.
Treatments Outside the Home: Professional
Following are some suggestions of for professional treatments:<br />• Massage and massotherapy help to physically release chemicals into the blood stream, allowing normal circulation and function to return.<br />• Physical therapy and lumbar stabilization exercises can stabilize the lumbar spine muscles. Stronger, well-balanced muscles help minimize the risk of injury to the nerves and the disk.<br />• Spinal manipulation, which is typically performed by chiropractic and osteopathic physicians, has offered relief to many patients. <br />• Traction is one of the oldest forms of treatment for back and neck pain. Traction may be available at a chiropractor's or physical therapist's office.<br />• Acupuncture is an ancient Oriental medical technique used to treat a variety of painful conditions. <br />•Medications that may be prescribed are nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDS); oral steroid medications, including Prednisone and Medrol; narcotic pain medications, useful for severe, short-term pain management (short term because they are addictive); muscle relaxers, used to treat spasm of spinal muscles; and <br />epidural steroid injections of cortisone, administered directly in the area of nerve compression.