Basic Pathophysiology of Parkinson's Disease
In Parkinson's disease, cells in the brain that produce the neurotransmitter (chemical messenger) dopamine die or stop working, according to Medline Plus.
It has not been determined precisely what causes dopamine-producing cells to die, according to the Mayo Clinic. However, it is known that the loss of these cells leads to a lack of muscle control, according to Medline Plus.
Some theories for the loss of dopamine-producing cells in Parkinson's disease include aging (cells are lost naturally over time), exposure to neurotoxins (chemicals that kills brain cells) and a possible genetic predisposition, according to the Cleveland Clinic.
Lewy Bodies
Lewy bodies are unusual deposits of the protein synuclein, which develop in a part of the brain called the substantia nigra, according to the University of Minnesota Department of Neurology.
There are only a few cases of Parkinson's disease in which Lewy bodies do not develop, according to Merck Manuals. Lewy bodies are also found in a number of other neurological diseases, according to the University of Minnesota Department of Neurology.