How to Treat Seizures With Bach Remedies
Things You'll Need
- Bach Rescue Remedy Flower Essence Tincture, Cream or Spray
- Scleranthus Bach Flower Remedy Tincture
Be prepared. Because a seizure can happen suddenly without warning, keep Bach Rescue Remedy handy in several locations such as your car, kitchen and nightstand. Make a mental note to always know where you have placed a bottle. If you are the one who suffers from seizures, tell your loved ones you will be using Bach's Rescue Remedy for treatment, and let them know where you will keep a supply and how to use it. This will facilitate administration if a seizure occurs.
For acute situations, administer Bach's Rescue Remedy immediately following the first sign of a seizure. This is very important, as a person is more susceptible to the remedy's benefits during the onset of a seizure. Before using, be sure to shake the bottle gently about eight times in order to activate the essence's inherent healing properties.
Place four drops directly in the mouth or near the gums. As an alternative, four drops can be placed near the ear or on the wrist. The remedy will be quickly absorbed through the skin. If the taste is unpalatable, you can mix it with water or juice. For ongoing nervous system support, take Bach Rescue Remedy four times a day.
Take Scleranthus, another flower essence from Bach which is extremely helpful for seizures and other neurological issues. Use in the same way as you use Bach's Rescue Remedy for acute situations and for ongoing support.
Bach remedies can also be used safely and successfully used for pets! The dosage and usage instructions are the same as for adults. However, for seizures in pets, you may find the spray or cream option easier to administer. Simply spray on the tongue, or in front of your pet's nose.
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