Neuropathy Alternative Cures
It may be beneficial to speak with your doctor about biofeedback. If your doctor feels it would help your neuropathy, he will set up an appointment with a therapist. During the appointment, a therapist will administer biofeedback by applying electrical sensors to different parts of your body. These sensors measure the body's response to different stimuli, such as sounds or flashing lights. Based on these responses, a therapist will then suggest different techniques or lifestyle changes, such as guided imagery, that she believes may lessen the impact of neuropathy.
Acupuncture has been known to improve symptoms of neuropathy over time. Acupuncture involves the insertion of needles into specific pressure points of the body. This stimulates nerve endings, restoring feeling to numb areas of the body and reducing pain. Acupuncture is considered a gradual method of relief from neuropathy, so you may need to attend several sessions of acupuncture with a therapist before a positive change in symptoms occurs.
The natural drug known as alpha-lipoic acid has been known to help individuals suffering from neuropathy, particularly neuropathy resulting from diabetes or chemotherapy. Alpha-lipoic acid can be purchased and taken in pill form. Speak with your doctor before taking alpha-lipoic acid, as it has been known to lower blood sugar levels. Your doctor may want to personally monitor your blood sugar levels over time prevent further complications.
Pain Relief
There are several lifestyle changes or products that can be incorporated for effective pain relief from neuropathy. For example, the topical cream, capsaicin, has been known to provide pain relief when applied directly to the skin. Capsaicin may take time to be effective, as its active ingredient---a natural substance found in hot peppers---typically causes sensations of burning until the skin acclimates.
Massaging the areas affected by neuropathy, or having someone else massage them, can provide temporary pain relief. Ensure that you receive an adequate amount of daily vitamins and minerals. These can be obtained by consuming low-fat meats and dairy products alongside a high supply of fruits and vegetables. Try to exercise daily. Activities like yoga and meditation are excellent choices because they combine mild exercises with relaxation techniques that may limit the adverse effects of neuropathy.