Drug Treatment for Tics

Tics are defined as involuntary, uncontrollable muscle spasms typically associated with Tourette's Syndrome, chronic motor tic disorder, or the more rare transient tic disorder . They usually involve grimacing, excessive blinking, rapid movement of arms and legs, and grunts. Tics can be bothersome and interfere with one's life in a negative way, even occurring throughout sleep. They can, however, be treated with medication.
  1. Nicotine Patch

    • Tourette-syndrome.com states that patients who were given a nicotine patch to wear showed a reduction in tics. In 2000, the FDA approved its usage for the treatment of tics.


    • In individuals with powerful tics, anti-psychotic drugs, such as haloperidol, are effective, but they can have negative side effects, according to BBC Health.

    Dopamine Blockers

    • Dopamine blockers are the most widely used medications for tics. They work by blocking or preventing a small amount of dopamine to be present in the brain.


    • Benzodiazepams can be used to treat tics, although their sedating qualities and potential for addiction make them a last resort.

    Blood Pressure Meds

    • High blood pressure medication is also used to treat tics, but it creates health issues for many patients because they lower blood pressure, which may be an undesirable effect in some.


    • A qualified physician and a heavy dose of education are the most effective treatments for tics.

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