What Are the Treatments for Hip Subluxation + Cerebral Palsy?
Importance of Physical Therapy
A baby with CP is born with normal hips. Muscular imbalance and bony deformity related to cerebral palsy triggers the hip subluxation. Physical therapy at an early age can help limit the severity of hip subluxation.
Physical Therapy
Physical therapy focuses on proper weight-bearing techniques. Assistive technology, like a cane or walker, may be used to help someone with CP properly carry his weight while walking. Physical therapy may also focus on improving balance. Poor balance is a symptom of hip subluxation.
Treating Pain
Pain caused by hip dislocation can be treated with over-the-counter pain medication.
Surgical Intervention
Amount of pain and degree of hip subluxation are deciding factors on whether to use surgery as treatment. Surgery involves screws and plate fixation to address the problem of hip subluxation.
Consult an orthopedic surgeon about how to properly proceed with treating your hip subluxation. Every case of cerebral palsy and hip subluxation is different and will require an individualized evaluation to determine the best possible treatment plan.
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