Assistive Technology for Students With Cerebral Palsy
Cerebral Palsy
Cerebral Palsy is a neurological disorder that effects body movement and muscle coordination. Cerebral Palsy effects fine and gross motor skills which makes tasks like walking, sitting, writing, and talking more difficult for children with Cerebral Palsy.
Assistive technology is categorized by function. Mobile technology, like a cane or wheelchair, enables a student with cerebral palsy to safely maneuver around at school. Communication aids, such as a voice sensitizer, helps a student with cerebral palsy communicate with others. Other assistive technology, such as computer software and specialized furniture, helps students with CP remain comfortable while learning inside and outside the classroom.
Individualized Education Plan
Assistive technology in the classroom can be made available through an Individualized Education Plan. An IEP is constructed by a group of people which includes the student with CP, his parents, and a special educator (like a therapist). The special educator should be able to suggest the appropriate assistive technology to allow the student to excel in the classroom.
Computers can be equipped with special software to facilitate the educational needs of a person with cerebral palsy. Some software is designed to teach basics like problem solving skills and cause and effect. Voice activated software can help with typing and proof reading.
Every case of cerebral palsy is different. Each individual with CP will need to be evaluated to determine the appropriate assistive technology to utilize.