What Is Cerebral Palsy Associated With?
Brain damage.
90 to 95% of cerebral palsy is caused by brain damage, according to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Strokes. The extent of brain damage determines the severity of CP.
Mental retardation.
Two-thirds of the CP population is mentally challenged. A child with CP who is mentally challenged is more likely to suffer from pica, an eating disorder in which the individual constantly eats non-food substances.
Fetal damage.
Damage to the fetus during pregnancy is how cerebral palsy usually develops. Fetal stroke, maternal infection and fever are all cerebral palsy-related conditions.
Faster aging organs.
A person with CP uses three to five times more energy than the average person in maneuvering around. This makes the CP population more vulnerable to faster aging organs. Therefore, a person with cerebral palsy in his 40's is more likely to suffer from medical problems typically found in senior citizens.
Arthritis could appear in someone with CP by the person's early 30's. It is thought by some that early onset of arthritis may be a result of intensive therapy done in early childhood to improve the person's physical abilities.
The CP population is more susceptible to depression. This could be due to having to deal with medical conditions earlier than others in the same generation.