What Can I Do for a Tingling Face?
Much of the treatment for a tingling face revolves around its underlying cause. If you are unsure about its cause, speak with a doctor. A doctor may prescribe analgesics if there is pain associated with tingling, or antidepressants if he believes the cause is related to the victim's emotional state. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may be prescribed if there is inflammation associated with tingling.
Supplements containing calcium, magnesium and Vitamin B complex have been used to treat a tingling face. Ask your doctor to determine if these supplements would benefit you. As much as possible, avoid stress, alcohol and illicit drugs. These can aggravate adverse symptoms.
If your tingling face is associated with migraines, rest and sleep as much as possible. Avoid foods that commonly trigger migraines like chocolate, cheese, onions, oranges and tomatoes. Do not fast or stop eating.
Women undergoing menopause often experience tingling in their faces (often accompanied by migraines). If you are undergoing menopause, taking medications that contain the hormone estrogen, such as birth control pills, may help alleviate symptoms.
It is important to monitor the time and symptoms of a tingling face and seek medical care when appropriate. Contact medical emergency services immediately if you experience paralysis or weakness associated with a tingling face. Numbness or tingling after a head or back injury, loss of vision, slurred speech, loss of consciousness, confusion or hindered mobility are also reasons to call 911.
It is also important to set up an appointment with a doctor if you experience unexplained symptoms associated with a tingling face. These include a rash, dizziness, muscle spasms, increased urination, pain in the back or arms and unexplained numbness in the extremities. Discuss your symptoms with a doctor in full detail. This will guide her prognosis, help her establish an underlying cause and enable her to prescribe appropriate treatment.