Aricept Alternative Uses
Alternative Uses
The pharmacological name for Aricept is donepezil and it is known to benefit patients with other forms of dementia besides Alzheimer's including mixed vascular dementia, Lewy body dementia, and the dementia which may be the result of Down's syndrome. Aricept is also an experimental agent for the treatment of bipolar disorder and for treating negative symptoms associated with schizophrenia. However the controlled trials for the possible treatment of schizophrenia have so far failed to support the theory. There are some studies that prove that cholinesterase-inhibiting drugs such as Aricept also help to boost the cognitive performance of healthy minds as well. A study was conducted by Dr. Jerry Yesavage of Stanford University and Dr. Peter Whitehouse of Case Western Reserve University in which a group of pilots were trained in the simulator of a Cessna 172 where half of the group was given Aricept and the other was given a placebo. A month later the pilots were given a challenging test based on their training. The test was based on difficult air-traffic maneuvers and emergency reactions tasks. The group that had taken Aricept demonstrated a significantly better performance as compared to the group on placebos. There are certain instances in which doctors recommend the use of Aricept in conditions that are not specifically related to dementias or Alzheimer's. This is referred to as 'off label ' use and in the case of Aricept they include Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), memory problems as a result of traumatic brain injury, or behavioral symptoms associated with other forms of dementias.