Assisted Technology for Dementia
Bathroom Help
Dementia suffers also have problems with leaving on the water or getting water too hot. Bathroom aid devices will "sense" when you have left the water on or use temperature gauges so the water will not get to a scalding temperature.
Kitchen Products
Stoves which turn themselves off, programmable coffee pots, safety locks and beginner cookbooks can all assist dementia patients in the kitchen. The stove guard can turn the heat off when it senses there is no cook in the kitchen.
Memory Assistance
Memory loss is a troubling symptom of dementia. Assistive technology products are available to break daily tasks down into smaller steps with reminder aids like a talking clock, or a simpler TV remote, or a visual time clock.
Home Modifications
There are issues with dementia patients who wander. Putting up fake bookcase murals over a door, alarms which warn the caregiver the patient is wandering and large banners are all types of assistive technology to help dementia patients.
Cost for assistive devices range from very inexpensive like laminated instruction cards to very expensive like a personal GPS system. Assistive technology devices can help people with dementia live more independently and give caregivers some needed support.