How to Construct a Sensory Vest
Things You'll Need
- Denim jacket that fits the child
- Seam ripper
- 1/4 Yard denim fabric close in color to the jacket
- Thread to match the denim
- Thread to match topstitching on the jacket
- Sewing machine
- Sewing scissors
- Sewing pins
- Measuring tape
- Chalk-pencil fabric marker
- Iron and ironing board
- Oil-based, nontoxic modeling clay in individually wrapped sticks (for weights)
- Hook-and-loop closure (optional)
- Vibration unit (optional)
Remove the overcast and seam stitching around the armholes using the seam ripper. Go slowly, being careful not to cut the fabric with the seam ripper.
Overcast the seam allowances of the armhole where you've just removed the sleeves. Fold the seam allowance of each armhole's opening into the garment along the original seam line; press the fold with the iron.
Remove the overcast and seam stitching for optional side-seam openings that will close with hook-and-loop closures, making it easier to put the vest on the child. Overcast the seam allowances. Fold 1/4 inch of the overcast edges into the garment and press the fold.
Topstitch around the armholes to hold the seam allowance in place. Duplicate the spacing between the rows of topstitching already on the jacket to help the stitching look original.
Measure the side seams (if you opened them) and cut lengths of hook-and-loop closure to match. Sew the folded overcast seam allowance in place 1/8 inch in from the fold. Pin the hook-and-loop closure pieces on the edges of the side openings so the edges of the denim meet and disguise the closures. Sew each piece of hook-and-loop closure in place.
Cut out the number of pockets suggested by the occupational therapist from the denim fabric. They should be big enough to fit the clay weights and optional vibration unit; the width of the pockets should be cut on the crosswise grain to allow them a little give. Measure and mark on the fabric with the chalk marker the desired finished size of each pocket, adding 5/8-inch seam allowance on each side of the pocket.
Fold in 5/8 inch on each pocket edge with the wrong sides together and press in place with the iron. Sew only the top edge of the pocket, 1/2 inch in from the edge.
Place the weight pockets around the child’s center of gravity and pin in place. Place and pin the optional vibration-unit pockets. Sew the sides and bottom edges of the pockets, leaving the top edge open.
Measure around the child’s chest, add 5 inches and cut a hook-and-loop closure to match for an optional chest compression strap. Cut off and discard all but 6 inches of the "hook" part of the closure. Cut off and discard 5 inches of the soft "loop" part of the closure. Pin the 6 inches of hook closure to one end of the loop closure with the right sides together so they overlap 1/2 inch. When the closure strap is placed around the child's chest, the hook portion will catch on the loop portion.
Center the compression strap at the center back of the denim vest so the strap can wrap around the child's chest and be covered by the closed vest. Place the wrong side of the strap against the wrong side of the denim. Sew the compression strap to the vest, stitching across the width of the strap several times at the center back of the vest. For added strength, stitch again 1 inch to the right and 1 inch to the left of the original center stitching.
Insert modeling clay sticks into the weight pockets. The child’s body heat will soften the clay, helping it mold to her body shape as she wears the vest. Insert an optional vibration unit. Put the vest on her, close the optional hook-and-loop side seams and tighten the optional compression strap. Close the front of the vest.