How to Slim Down in One Month
Keep a food and exercise diary for one week as you start your one-month journey toward slimming down. Write down everything you eat and the approximate size of your portions. Check serving sizes on packages for information on portions. Also keep track of how much exercise you get.
Talk to your doctor and set reasonable weight-loss goals. Show your doctor your food and exercise diary, and discuss the changes you want to make. If you are severely overweight, you might be a candidate for weight-loss surgery. Ask your doctor if it is safe for you to exercise.
Adjust your diet to help you slim down. Replace unhealthy foods, such as processed foods like candy and chips, with fruits and vegetables. Switch to low-fat or fat-free dairy products. Choose lean meats and foods with whole grains. Don't stop eating your favorite foods, but eat smaller portions. Aim to cut 500 to 1,000 calories from your daily diet.
Exercise at least four times a week for 60 to 90 minutes. You don't have to run or use an exercise machine---walking, gardening, cleaning, tennis, dancing and swimming represent a few other options. Choose an activity you enjoy, and if possible, get a friend to exercise with you.
Maintain weight loss by continuing to eat a healthy diet and staying physically active as you slim down. Check your weight regularly to see tangible results from when you started a month ago. Continue keeping a food and exercise diary to stay motivated.