Obesity and Skin Care
Obese individuals sometimes have problems with hygiene. This is due to more skin to clean and difficulty reaching some body parts when cleaning. This can lead to bacteria growth and infections. If an individual is overweight, she should bathe daily. Some products such as hand-held shower devices can help her improve her ability to remain clean.
An overweight person has more problems than a smaller person with issues such as excess moisture and perspiration. Moisture in body folds can cause bacteria and fungi to grow. These can then cause skin rashes and infections like intertrigo. To avoid this, an obese individual should keep his skin dry. He needs always to use an antiperspirant and even use it in his skin folds. It is important for him to keep his groin area dry. Urine on the skin from inadequate hygiene can cause a rash. The individual with this issue may benefit from using a barrier cream.
The folds of the skin sometimes run against themselves in overweight people. When this happens, the skin becomes irritated. This can cause blisters and chapping. Many individuals believe that powder can help with this, but powders actually have an abrasive effect. Rather, an obese person should use oil- or silicone-based products to minimize friction.
Skin Breaks
An obese person may develop breaks in the skin. Anytime the skin has a wound, infection can occur. This risk is increased due to the circulation problems and possible diabetes of an overweight person. Such an individual needs to inspect her skin regularly. If there are any problems or concerns, consult your physician to aid in treatment.
Additional Skin Problems
There are additional skin problems due to obesity. A condition caused acanthosis nigricans can result. This is when the skin has areas of darkened, velvety skin. Strain on the leg veins can cause fluid retention and swelling that can lead to a rupture of skin capillaries, varicose veins or ulcers. Some of these skin problems may cause scars or marks, but all can be completely resolved or at least substantially improved with a change in diet and activity level and subsequent weight loss.