NuPhedrine Side Effects
What is Nuphedrine?
According to, a site that posts study results of different diet aids and treatments, NuPhedrine, an herbal supplement containing three main ingredients, also claims to contain real South African Hoodia concentrated to 20 times its normal strength. The other two major ingredients are Advantra-Z--at 30 times stronger than average--and Slimaluma. As with all herbs and medications, these ingredients are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration and may cause side effects. Before using NuPhedrine, be aware of the potential side effects its ingredients can cause.
Hoodia's Side Effects
NuPhedrine claims to use 100 percent pure hoodia, which contains a substance called "P57." The Mayo Clinic says hoodia has not been proven, due to lack of human testing, to decrease appetite by signaling the brain that you are full.
Natural News says hoodia's side effects are still be unknown, as there is only one study available. Consequently, hoodia's side effects may not be divulged for some time as the plant is in short supply due to harvesting. It is known, however, that if you take too much hoodia you will get sick from it, resulting in vomiting and abdominal cramping.
Advantra-Z Side Effects
Advantra-Z is actually a version of synephrine, a powerful stimulant which became popular after the FDA pulled ephedra from shelves. The Mayo Clinic states that the synephrine is no different in its potential side effects, as they include all of the same ones that caused ephedra to be discontinued. Advantra-Z is nothing more than a fancy name for synephrine. The drug can cause irregular heartbeats, agitation, nervousness, anxiety, heart attack, seizure, stroke and many others.
NuPhedrine is not exempt from these potentially harmful side effects. Anyone with sensitivity to stimulants or who has a cardiac condition is advised to avoid products containing this ingredient.
Slimaluma Side Effects
Slimaluma is also another name for a natural ingredient, in this case, caralluma fimbriata. Caralluma fimbriata, according to, is an edible cactus similar to hoodia that also helps to suppress appetite. Its side effects are very minimal and typically, not experienced by many. It was widely believed that shakiness and edginess were a side effect of using the herb, but that has since been proven to not be affiliated with Slimaluma, but another component of that particular weight loss medication.
Before beginning any diet pill, first try the surest weight loss method in existence, watching your diet and beginning a daily exercise regimen. This can include a 10-minute walk initially, and you can build up from there. Exercise is beneficial to your body as well as your well-being and helps without having to ingest any chemical or herb into the body. Speak to your physician prior to doing any weight loss activity to ensure you are not putting yourself at risk.