Insurance & Obesity
Obesity is considered a serious condition that contributes to health problems such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer and a variety of back, hip and joint disorders, according to the American Obesity Association. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services even changed Medicare policies to reimburse doctors for treating patients for obesity. In spite of all of this, many insurance companies do not offer coverage for obesity treatments.
There are many treatments for obesity, and their goal is to help patients lose weight and reduce the effects of the condition. Treatments can be as mild as meeting with a nutrition or dietician to discuss changes in diet, or meeting with a physical therapist or trainer to discuss exercise. They can also be more drastic, such as taking prescription weight-loss medication and undergoing weight-loss surgery. Weight-loss medications are usually prescribed in conjunction with lifestyle changes and generally affect brain chemistry or digestion to make the body feel sated and inhibit absorption of fat. Weight-loss surgery, such as laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding, is an invasive procedure. During a laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding, surgeons restrict the amount of food an individual can physically put in his stomach. However, most insurance companies do not cover these treatments. According to Lap-Band, laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding costs between $8,000 and $10,000. In addition, medications and meetings with nutritionists and health professionals can also be costly without insurance.
Many individuals point out that insurance companies do cover the costs of conditions associated with obesity, such as diabetes treatments or heart surgery. Additionally, many people find it disconcerting that insurance companies cover medications and treatments that prevent conditions such as pregnancy, but not a life-threatening disease such as obesity.
Insurance companies and those covered by medical insurance often argue that premiums and coverage costs would rise if obesity treatments were included in insurance benefits packages. Obesity is a pervasive problem, and treatments are expensive. However, reasonable treatment durations, co-payments that are commensurate with the treatment needed and other measures have been introduced to mitigate costs.
Obesity can have devastating effects on health. With or without insurance, leading a healthy lifestyle, eating balanced, nutritious meals and getting exercise daily will decrease the chances of health conditions arising from obesity.