Foods to Eat After a Gastric Bypass
Stage I
Consume clear liquids during the first stage of gastric bypass recovery. The first stage of gastric bypass recovery lasts one to two days after the surgery. Jackson Siegelbaum Gastroenterology's official website recommends sipping on water, sugar-free juice, clear broth and noncarbonated diet sodas.
Stage II
Consume meal replacement liquids after the first stage of gastric bypass recovery is completed. Ensure, Sustacal or Carnation Instant Breakfast are examples of meal replacement liquids. Drink these liquids for one to two weeks.
Stage III
Begin a soft and pureed food diet after completing the meal replacement diet. Pureed foods include scrambled eggs, cottage cheese and baby foods. According to the Mayo Clinic, the food must consist of a smooth paste or liquid with no distinct or hard parts. Follow the diet for three to four weeks.
Stage IV
Begin introducing soft foods. Eat foods that are soft or tender and easy to chew, such as canned tuna, steamed vegetables or ground meat. Focus on eating food with a high protein content, such as meat or milk products; they help the body repair itself after surgery. Spread out the food into three to six small meals per day, each meal no bigger than 60 grams. Chew the food thoroughly to ensure it digests easily.