How to Correct Leptin Resistance
Learn what is happening in your body. If you are leptin resistant, your own body is essentially sabotaging your efforts at weight control. In the first place, your brain is not receiving signals to cease eating when fat stores accumulate, and you'll find yourself hungry despite knowing rationally that you should be full. To balance your body's chemistry, you'll need to regulate yourself mentally since your body can't do it for you. This will take consistent determination and will power.
Exercise even when your body tells you to quit. When the body becomes leptin resistant, it becomes accustomed to high levels of the chemical in the blood. A little weight loss can trigger a decrease in leptin, making your appetite larger and affecting your metabolism negatively. Even though the body has plenty of fat stores to burn, the muscles cease to do so in response to decreasing leptin. You may not see results quickly because of this, and you may find yourself particularly exhausted by exercise. Do it anyway, because you can't correct leptin resistance without reaching a healthy weight.
Take irvingia gabonensis supplements. Irvingia gabonensis is a plant species whose fruit has been shown in medical studies to correct leptin resistance. In fact, one study showed that individuals taking 150 mg of the supplement twice a day showed marked improvements in body composition after just 10 weeks. This natural supplement is not thought to have any side effects, although longitudinal studies are ongoing.
Work with a trainer or accountability partner. The hardest part of overcoming leptin resistance is that you go through the rigors of exercise and the self-discipline of a healthy diet without any encouragement from your body. You'll probably feel tired and hungry on a frustratingly frequent basis. Until you have reached and maintained a healthy weight, though, your body will never regain the ability to function properly with regard to body composition. Having a consistent ally in your pursuit will help you stay strong in the lowest points when your brain is receiving signals to eat more and exercise less in response to decreasing leptin in the blood. The fight will be hard, but overcoming these signals will help you live a longer, more fulfilling life.