Weight Loss Tricks & Fast Diet Secrets
Slow Down
When you're trying to lose weight, eating your meals slowly is your best bet to avoid overeating. It takes about twenty minutes for your stomach to tell your brain that it's full. If you're wolfing down your meal in five minutes, chances are you've kept on eating after you were already full. Take small bites and chew each one thoroughly. This will keep your meals from disappearing too quickly and keep you from finishing a meal feeling overly stuffed.
Most of your body is made up of water, so it makes sense that you need a lot of water to keep everything running smoothly. When you are dehydrated, you're more likely to feel tired and lethargic, making staying motivated to eat right and work out even harder. The body also tends to hold on to water more when it is not getting enough of it. Drinking plenty of water is sure to get you on the fast track to diet and weight loss success. While some experts recommend drinking eight glasses, or about 64 ounces, of water every day. Others, however, recommend dividing your weight by two and drinking that many ounces of water every day. If in doubt, talk to your doctor.
Modifying your cooking habits can really cut out a lot of unnecessary calories and get you closer to your weight loss goals faster. Instead of using canola oil or butter to grease your cooking pans, use olive oil or a calorie-free non-stick spray. Switch all of your cooking pans over to the non-stick variety as well and in no time you'll be using less fat-filled butter in your food. If you absolutely must use butter on some of your food, try a low-calorie butter spray.
If you think you're cutting your calories by strictly sticking to three meals a day, you're wrong. Eating frequently is the best way to keep your metabolism up and running all day long. Besides that, you're much more likely to binge or overeat at your regular meals when you go hungry in between. There are plenty of healthy snacks you can incorporate into your day to satisfy your hunger between meals. Low-calorie cheese wedges, almonds, celery, and apple slices smeared with peanut butter are all filling and delicious options.