How to Avoid Sagging Skin When Dieting
Perform strength-training exercises for at least 30 minutes per day, at least two to three times per week. Strength-training exercise includes weightlifting, calisthenics and the use of resistance equipment such as bands and coils. These exercises firm skin and tone muscle. Many people avoid strength-training exercises for fear that they'll become bulky like a bodybuilder. However, most people, especially women, will not naturally become excessively muscular by engaging in regular strength-training exercise.
Maintain your skin's hydration. Hydrated skin is able to remain tight and firm. Lotions with shea butter, cocoa butter, aloe and vitamin E are the best choices for keeping skin hydrated.
Eat at least 15 mg of vitamin E every day to keep skin healthy, allowing it to remain firm and avoid sagging. Vegetable oils, seeds, nuts and leafy green vegetables are the best sources of vitamin E. Use a vitamin E supplement if you're unable to consume enough natural sources of vitamin E.
Apply vitamin E directly to the skin if stretch marks begin to appear. Vitamin E capsules can be punctured with a sterile needle and drained of their liquid. The liquid can then be massaged into the area with stretch marks. This will provide the skin with an extra dose of vitamin E to assist it in regaining and maintaining its health and elasticity.