How to Avoid Sagging Skin When Dieting

Many people avoid losing weight because they know that sagging skin often accompanies weight loss. Sagging skin is excess skin that used to cover the body. As you diet and lose weight, your body shrinks, but the skin doesn't always shrink with it. Fortunately, a variety of techniques can be utilized to reduce or eliminate sagging skin, so there's no need to put off making healthy lifestyle changes that will lead to weight loss. The key to maintaining tight, firm skin will be to keep your skin healthy.


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      Perform strength-training exercises for at least 30 minutes per day, at least two to three times per week. Strength-training exercise includes weightlifting, calisthenics and the use of resistance equipment such as bands and coils. These exercises firm skin and tone muscle. Many people avoid strength-training exercises for fear that they'll become bulky like a bodybuilder. However, most people, especially women, will not naturally become excessively muscular by engaging in regular strength-training exercise.

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      Maintain your skin's hydration. Hydrated skin is able to remain tight and firm. Lotions with shea butter, cocoa butter, aloe and vitamin E are the best choices for keeping skin hydrated.

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      Eat at least 15 mg of vitamin E every day to keep skin healthy, allowing it to remain firm and avoid sagging. Vegetable oils, seeds, nuts and leafy green vegetables are the best sources of vitamin E. Use a vitamin E supplement if you're unable to consume enough natural sources of vitamin E.

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      Apply vitamin E directly to the skin if stretch marks begin to appear. Vitamin E capsules can be punctured with a sterile needle and drained of their liquid. The liquid can then be massaged into the area with stretch marks. This will provide the skin with an extra dose of vitamin E to assist it in regaining and maintaining its health and elasticity.

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