How to Identify the Side Effects of HCG
Look for the mild side effects of HCG. The less serious side effects of taking hCG include headaches, irritability, restlessness, depression and water retention. It can also cause swelling and tenderness of the breasts in women. An injection site of hCG may also become irritated, painful or swollen.
Identify the severe side effects of HCG. A doctor should be contacted if injecting hCG causes any serious side effects. These include shortness of breath, swelling in the extremities and severe pelvic pain in women. HCG can also cause weight gain and less frequent urination. Other serious side effects of hCG include gastric signs such as diarrhea, nausea or vomiting.
Observe the signs caused by a blood clot. Bodybuilders normally administer hCG by self-injecting it into the skin, which can cause a blood clot. The signs of a blood clot from an injection include numbness, pain, redness, tingling and warmth at the injection site. A blood clot can also cause general signs such as severe dizziness, headaches and confusion.
Study the side effects of HCG in young users. HCG can cause sexually immature males to enter puberty prematurely. The early signs of puberty include the appearance of pubic hair, a deeper voice, acne and increased sweating.
Examine the signs of an allergic reaction to HCG. Some people are allergic to hCG which can cause swelling in the face, lips, throat and tongue. An allergic reaction can also cause breathing difficulty and hives.
Study the effects of HCG on pregnancy. HCG increases the chances of a multiple pregnancy which carries a higher risk for both the mother and babies. A multiple pregnancy typically requires special care and instructions. The use of HCG while pregnant is prohibited due to the risk of birth defects. Contact your doctor immediately if you become pregnant while using HCG.
Learn the contraindications of HCG. HCG may be contraindicated in patients who are allergic to it, have early puberty or hormone-related cancers. Your doctor should be informed if you have any disorders of the adrenal gland, thyroid gland or ovaries.
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