Information About Belly Fat
Two Kinds of Belly Fat
The Mayo Clinic says visceral fat is stored deep in the belly and subcutaneous fat is the layer of fat that lies against the skin.
Diabetes Linked to Belly Fat
Belly fat is associated with an increased risk of diabetes--with the risk increasing with long-term exposure to belly fat.
Heart Disease and Belly Fat
According to Dr. Gabe Mirkin's website, excess belly fat is an indicator of an increased risk of heart disease. The high triglyceride and insulin levels associated with belly fat are also linked to heart attacks.
Belly Fat Doubles Risk of Early Death
According to a study published in the Nov. 13, 2008 New England Journal of Medicine--"General and Abdominal Adiposity and Risk of Death in Europe"--excess weight at the waistline doubles the risk of premature death.
Some Cancers Linked to Belly Fat
Some cancers, including colon cancer, have been linked to high levels of belly fat, according to a study by Australia's University of Melbourne published in the March 2006 International Journal of Cancer.