Pre-Op Instructions for Sleeve Gastrectomy
Weeks Prior to Surgery
These kinds of surgeries, commonly referred to as bariactric surgery, will initially facilitate rapid weight loss, but if the patient does not make significant lifestyle changes, that weight will come back. These lifestyle changes need to start before the patient goes to the hospital. They include eating a healthy diet high in protein and low in carbohydrates and fat, mild exercise, or more strenuous exercise if the patient can tolerate it. Ideally, an obese patient will start loosing weight before the surgical procedure is performed. Stop smoking at least one month before surgery and do not start again for at least four weeks. Or stop all together.
Days Prior to Surgery
In the days before surgery, stop taking any blood-thinning medications like aspirin and start on a liquid diet. This liquid diet helps shrink organs like the liver so the doctor has more room to work during the surgery. The liquid diet is also typically high in protein. Also during this time finish up household chores like cleaning and shopping, because after surgery you will not be able to perform even simple tasks for at least a few days. Fill all prescriptions for ongoing medications as well as any the doctor has provided for after the surgery. Have these on hand so there will be no last-minute trips to the pharmacy.
One Day Prior to Surgery
Pack a small case with a change of comfortable clothes, flat shoes and a book or two. Make arrangements for someone to take you to the hospital and pick you up. Make sure there is a ready supply of liquid foods like soups and protein drinks on hand, as eating regular food will not start until several days after surgery. Stop eating and drinking at least 8 hours prior to surgery to ensure the stomach is empty.
The Day of Surgery
Before leaving for the hospital, take a shower and remove all makeup and jewelry. Make sure you have all the doctor's instructions, your health insurance information and your identification with you for the admissions process. Do not take money, credit cards, etc. with you to the hospital unless you need them and can give them to someone else to take home. Once admitted to the hospital, wait to talk to the medical team about the next step in the process: the surgery.