Diets for Obese Patients
According to the Mayo Clinic, choosing healthy foods and reducing caloric intake are the best way to fight obesity. Most fad diets do not work since many aim to reduce weight quickly. The best way to keep weight off is to lose one to two pounds per week. A healthy diet consists of one loaded with whole grains, fruit and vegetables. Protein should come from nuts, beans, seafood and lean meats. For healthy fats, use oils such as oil, canola and ones derived from nuts.
The Mayo Clinic offers the Healthy Weight Pyramid which promotes eating large quantities of foods that are low in calories such as vegetables and fruits. The goal of this diet is to allow the person to feel full, yet avoid foods high in saturated fats, sugars and salt.
Liquid Diet
More stringent are low-calorie liquid diets that only allow for 600 to 800 calories per day. These diets are designed for faster weight loss and should really only be used under the advice of a physician. These diets are only recommended if you need to lose weight quickly for surgery or some other health-related concern. Since there are many complications that can stem from a liquid diet, it is important that you be monitored by a doctor, especially your levels of vitamins and minerals. Another peril of a liquid diet is you are likely to put the weight back on once you go back to normal eating habits.
Meal Replacements
Many companies today offer prepared meals to stimulate weight loss. According to the Mayo Clinic, there is no such thing as a quick solution to obesity. While the low-carbohydrate diets from companies such as Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers may help you lose weight, the reality is that once you go back to non-prepared foods the weight will likely return. In fact, while these diets are helpful initially, they don't really teach you how to change your lifestyle and care for yourself.