How to Lose Weight Using Acupressure
Things You'll Need
- Reflexology maps
How to Lose Weight Using Acupressure
Apply pressure to the appetite control point located on the fleshy protrusion of the ear, which is not to be confused with the ear lobe. Place the tip of your index finger on your jaw next to your ear. Locate the most amount of movement of the jaw by opening and closing your mouth. This area should be right next to the fleshy protrusion of your ear. Place this part of your ear between your thumb and index finger, and apply pressure for approximately two minutes. Begin and end your acupressure session by stimulating this particular point.
Locate one of the acupressure points for your spleen, S6. Stimulating this point will have a strengthening effect on the digestive system.
Use your fingers to find the center of your ankle bone, and slide up the width of four fingers. The point is towards the back of the leg, just off of the bone. Apply pressure to this point with your thumb or your knuckle. Steadily increase the pressure until it is firm, hold for approximately one minute, and then gradually release the pressure.
Determine the location of a stomach point, St 36, that aids in nourishing your chi and blood. It also results in positive benefits for the digestive system.
Find this point four finger-widths beneath your kneecap, and one finger-width to the outside of your shinbone. Check to see if you are in the right spot by flexing your foot up and down. If you feel the muscle moving under your fingers, you are in the correct location. Maintain moderate or firm pressure for approximately one minute.
Find the location of Spleen 9, which is very near St 36. From St 36, slide your fingers across your shinbone until you reach the inside of your leg. Then slide your fingers up along the shinbone approximately one inch until you feel a depression. Once you are there, you will have found Spleen 9. Apply moderate to firm pressure for about one minute. This point is helpful in regulating your body's water metabolism.
Eliminate excess weight by locating Stomach 40, which is also a point to help your body clear itself of excess phlegm and moisture. This point is located in the middle of the outside lower leg, approximately two finger-widths behind your shinbone. Apply pressure to this point with your fingers for about a minute.
Clear excess heat and moisture from the body, and regulate your intestinal activity, by locating Large Intestine 11 or Li 11. Locate this point by extending your left arm in front of your chest as if you are holding a drinking cup in your hand. The pressure point can be found at the outside end of the crease on your arm at the joint of your elbow. Apply pressure to this point with your right thumb while holding your left hand close to your chest. Hold for approximately one minute and then switch arms.