Secrets to Weight Loss
Eat less and more often
The simple math of weight loss is you must take in fewer calories than you burn. This usually translates into eating less. But the key to making this work for you is to eat more often. This ramps up your metabolism and keeps your stomach from rumbling. You may not feel "full" when you eat, but the trade off is you do not get "hungry".
To help you with portion size, eat no meal larger than the palm of your hand, and eat as many as six to eight times a day. Precede these small meals with a glass of water and it will help you to feel more satisfied. Some samples of these "mini-meals" are a handful of almonds and cranberries for breakfast, along with water, orange juice, and coffee; mid-morning snacks of granola bar, fruits, peanut butter crackers or a cheese stick; soup is a great lunch along with salad; and when you eat meat, make sure you stick with the palm of your hand rule. When it comes to vegetables, especially raw ones, you can eat larger servings, because they are packed with fiber and nutrients.
Exercise is necessary for weight loss. You do not need to sign up for an aerobics class or spend an hour every day swimming laps at the pool (although those are great calorie burners), but you will need to move around more to burn more calories. Once you take in fewer calories, there is no better way to compound that effect than to move your body and make it burn the fat you have stored. Exercise also releases endorphins, which can make you feel better and take away hunger pangs. The best exercise for weight loss is cardio, anything that will get your pulse rate up, whether it's vacuuming vigorously or taking a power walk.
Be sure and do your activity every day for at least twenty minutes. Aim for an hour of exercise three times a week and you will see fast results.
Fiber and Water
You cannot go wrong in adding more fiber to your diet. Raw vegetables are packed with fiber and are incredibly good for you. Fruits are a close second, but they are also usually packed with calories so watch your intake. The rule of five to eight servings of veggies and fruits a day is a good rule to live by.
A great way to help your weight loss is to buy fiber supplements, such as Metamucil, and drink a full glass of it about 20 minutes before you eat any meal. The fiber will help fill your stomach and make you feel fuller faster. You need that extra water anyway, so it is a double whammy of good health.