Health Risks of Belly Fat
Visceral Fat
Visceral fat surrounds the abdominal organs. It is considered to be a type of inflammation that can cause chronic health conditions such as diabetes or cancer. Men tend to gain visceral fat more than women, until women enter menopause.
Health Risks
Some of these serious health conditions in which visceral fat plays a significant role include several types of cancer, especially colon cancer, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, in which breathing stops in the middle of the night, heart disease, gallbladder problems and even dementia, according to
Why Visceral Fat is Dangerous
Unlike subcutaneous fat, belly fat contains more macrophages, a kind of immune cell that produces cytokines. Cytokines, responsible for chronic inflammation, can increase the risk of cancer, according to
Visceral fat cells also secrete many hormones. The hormone resistin affects insulin functionality, and this could be the reason that many overweight and obese people are insulin resistant. When a person is insulin resistant, higher levels of insulin are needed to control blood sugar, and these higher levels can lead to cancer and type 2 diabetes.
How Much is Too Much?
There are simple ways to measure belly fat to determine whether you have too much. Men who have a waist measurement of more than 40 inches and women with a waist of more than 35 inches are at risk for health problems. Even though your weight may be within the normal range, if your waist size is either 35 inches(for a woman) or 40 inches (for a man), you are still at risk.
In fact, thin people who don't eat healthfully and don't exercise can carry visceral fat. Slender does not always mean healthy; 20 percent of people with type 2 diabetes are thin, according to a article.
Lose the Belly Fat
Visceral fat can be lost through diet and exercise, just like "regular" fat. A healthy diet of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, unsaturated fats, such as avocados, nuts and olive oil, and low-fat dairy is an effective way to eat a variety of foods but lose weight. Experts recommend 30 minutes of moderate physical activity daily, such as walking, jogging, biking or lifting weights. According to, health professionals have found that belly fat is usually the first fat lost during weight loss.