Weight Loss & Meditation
Meditation is a relaxation technique that helps the body and mind disconnect from everyday stress and concerns. The more important issues in a person's life can be examined and dealt with from a clear perspective. Individuals with weight loss goals can incorporate relaxation practices into their daily schedule to address whatever issues are affecting their ability to lose weight. Reasons for overeating vary according to the individual's life circumstances. Stress, boredom or comfort are all possible reasons why a person turns to food.
The Relaxation Response
The relaxation response is a state of physical and mental calm induced through meditation practice. In the 1970s, Dr. Herbert Benson was instrumental in developing the theory and techniques behind meditation practices and its effects on the body and mind. He linked these effects to a brainwave shift that takes place once a person has reached total relaxation. Individuals experience a transition from the beta-wave state to the slower, alpha-wave rhythms. By slowing down brain rhythms, a person is able to address issues regarding himself, as well as issues that may be impeding his efforts toward weight loss.
Alpha Waves
Brain function is carried out by a series of electrical signals that move about according to certain rhythms or wavelengths. The wavelengths speed up or slow down depending on a person's activity. Everyday routines and activities use a beta-wave frequency, which is a fast rhythm. The effects of meditation techniques move the brain into an alpha-wave rhythm once the relaxation response is reached. The alpha-wave state allows a person to gain a larger perspective on everyday behaviors and emotions. Insights gained during this time can work toward strengthening a person's resolve when the temptation to eat threatens weight loss objectives.
Meditation and Imagery
The use of imagery--or visualization--during meditation practice can help a person reach the restful state of mind depicted in the relaxation response. By creating a mental picture of a peaceful, calm setting. The image serves as a focal point that can be returned to should worries or distractions try to surface during the meditation session. Imagery can also be used as a tool to create a picture of how a person will look once their weight loss goals have been met. This is an effective technique once the brain has entered the alpha-wave state where creative ideas can be developed.
The Process
The first step in meditation involves getting the body to slow down and relax. This can be accomplished through deep breaths, and focusing on different areas of the body, relaxing one after the other. A mental picture of a beach, or landscape can be helpful in directing the mind towards a restful state. Once relaxed, a person is able to experience a centered feeling where an increased awareness allows for insight into issues regarding self concept and desired goals. At this point, weight loss issues can be viewed without the pressures and expectations of the conscious mind. Positive affirmations and imagery used at this time further enhance the effects of the experience.