Self-Hypnosis & Weight Loss
Self Hypnosis
The practice of self-hypnosis involves getting the mind and body in a relaxed state. A state of total relaxation allows suggestions, or directives to take root in the subconscious mind. This is called the body's relaxation response. Participants use a focal point like counting backwards as a means of clearing the mind, while deep breathing and muscle relaxation work to calm the body. These conditions allow for a highly focused frame of mind in which carefully crafted suggestions can be received and acted upon in the waking state.
The Creative Process
When using self-hypnosis, the power of suggestion comes to life within the creative environment of the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is where creative ideas are formed. When unhindered by the logical, analytical processes that take place in the conscious mind, thoughts and ideas that enter the subconscious can be acted upon. The relaxation response works to shut down the conscious mind which allows the subconscious to work with any suggestions that are made. A person is left with a heightened state of awareness that can be directed toward a desired goal or outcome. Once the subconscious mind receives a weight loss directive, it will seek out ways to comply with the desired goal. Weight loss suggestions or directives would fall along the lines of committing to eating healthy, eating in moderation or eating a certain number of calories per day.
Alpha Waves
The electrical activity within the brain moves according to a certain frequency, or wavelength during your normal waking state. This frequency is made up of beta waves, which is the wavelength where logical, analytical thought takes place. Self hypnosis practices slow brain frequencies down to the alpha wave state. This is the state we enter before falling asleep. The alpha wave state allows for access to the subconscious awareness. The relaxation response occurs when alpha wave activity is reached. The mind is then able to receive any suggestions regarding weight loss as a direct order.
Visualization is a self-hypnosis technique used to present suggestions to the mind once it enters the alpha wave state. The suggestion is made in the form of a visual image. You visualize yourself slimmer or eating healthy foods in smaller portions. Attaching an emotional feeling to the image further intensifies the effect of the message on the subconscious mind. In addition to visualizing yourself slimmer you add the emotion of feeling confident or feeling full after eating a small portioned meal. The overall effect of this process reprograms the subconscious mind, which in turn overrides the usual habits carried out in conscious, waking life.
As of yet, self- hypnosis has not been medically validated as an effective solution for weight loss. The techniques used are based on theories that cannot be verified because of the abstract nature of the mind. Using self-hypnosis techniques in addition to a regular program of diet and exercise can further improve the likelihood that progress will be made. Other techniques combine hypnosis techniques with cognitive behavioral therapy to address the conscious thought processes that may contribute to overeating habits.