Types of Thyroid Medication Used for Weight Loss
The Thyroid
The thyroid is a small gland located in the neck, consisting of twin lobes wrapped around the trachea. Its primary function is to regulate metabolism. It accomplishes this by metabolizing iodine and transforming it into two thyroid hormones. These substances regulate metabolism for every cell in the body. The gland may become dysfunctional due to a genetic defect, aging, or other causes, causing it to under- or over-produce its hormones.
Hypothyroidism is a chronic condition that causes the thyroid to produce fewer of its hormones, dramatically slowing metabolism. Aside from heredity, the condition can be caused by medication side effects, chemotherapy, pregnancy, pituitary gland problems, autoimmune disorder or iodine deficiency. The symptoms of the disease include fatigue, constipation, weight gain, weakness, joint pain, brittle fingernails, weak hair and depression.
Treating hypothyroidism usually involves a drug treatment program of synthetic thyroid hormones to be taken indefinitely. The prescribing doctor will monitor the individual's thyroid hormone levels on a regular basis, checking every two to three months. When taken as directed, side effects can include increased heart rate, tremors and hunger. In turn, the drug treatment increases metabolism to a healthy level, making it easier for the patient to lose weight.
Weight Loss on Thyroid Medication
Thyroid hormone supplements for hypothyroidism are not sufficient to induce weight loss in and of themselves. They increase metabolism substantially in people with this condition, but proper diet and exercise are necessary to fully activate that metabolism and induce weight loss. Regular blood tests for thyroid hormone levels are crucial to control side effects and ensure that body's metabolism is at a healthy rate.
Dangers of Taking Thyroid Medication for Weight Loss
Taking thyroid medication to lose weight without first confirming a diagnosis of hypothyroidism is both extraordinarily dangerous and ineffective in the long term. It induces a hyperthyroid state, causing heart palpitations, diarrhea, nervousness and potential cardiac damage. The drug may induce weight loss temporarily, but eventually the thyroid will compensate for the introduction of synthetic hormone by damping down its own production. This can in turn lead to hypothyroidism, weakening the thyroid gland.