Stomach Stapling Alternative
Liposuction, also known as lipoplasty, is a type of cosmetic surgery that involves sucking fat cells out of the body with a vacuum-like tube. Liposuction can be used on the stomach, thighs, arms, neck and buttocks. The surgery is performed by a cosmetic surgeon who will talk with you to determine how much weight will be taken off. Most doctors recommend taking off only 10 pounds at a time, which makes the results less drastic than stomach stapling. Most patients recover within two weeks. Unlike with stomach stapling, it is up to you whether the weight stays off and there is no surgery-based limit to the amount of food you are able to eat afterward. As of 2009, the typical cost of liposuction is between $2,000 and $8,000 for a single procedure. Complications can include infection, scarring and extraneous pockets of skin or fat.
Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Band
Adjustable gastric banding is another type of gastric bypass surgery. A band is placed on the stomach in the same way the area is stapled during tha procedure. A small port for access is placed just under the skin and saline is injected into the port to inflate the band. The more inflated the band, the tighter it holds your stomach. Saline can be removed to make the size of the stomach larger. There is no specific requirement for the band's inflation. It is a decision between you and your doctor. The cost of the surgery is between $14,000 and $18,000, as of 2009. Complications of the surgery can include infection, lap band migration and infection or closure of the port.
Diet and Exercise
Diet and exercise should be a large part of the recovery process for liposuction, stomach stapling and the adjustable gastric band, but it is also an effective weight loss plan in itself. Ideally, you should be burning more calories than you are taking in. This means that if you are consuming 2,000 calories per day, you must burn at least 2,000 calories during that day to keep from gaining weight. Stay away from fast food and try to eat as many fresh-cooked vegetables and fruits as possible. Drink eight glasses of water a day to keep your appetite at bay and to keep yourself hydrated during exercise.