MUFA Diet Foods
MUFAs in General
Who would have known that putting oil on your salads and eating a chocolate bar could be considered good for you? Not all fats are bad fats. Unlike saturated and transfat, fats such as MUFAs and PUFAs (Polyunsaturated Fats) help nutrient absorption along with nerve transmission. In fact, consuming a diet that incorporates MUFAs may reduce diseases such as Type II Diabetes, heart disease, strokes and cancers.
MUFAs are broken down into categories consisting of olives, chocolate, oils, nuts and seeds and avocados. In the oil category, you can use sesame, peanut, canola, safflower, olive, flaxseed, soybean and walnut oils and even pesto sauce. Nuts and seeds such as almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, sunflower seeds, hazelnuts and macadamia nuts are rich in MUFAs. Black and green olives are also on the list along with dark and semisweet chocolates.
MUFAs for Meals
Try incorporating a MUFA into each meal. For breakfast you can have toast or a bagel with almond butter or peanut butter and for lunch you can slice up an avocado for your salad. Olive oil dressing will be a good addition for an extra MUFA. For dinner, try a cashew-encrusted piece of chicken or fish.
Try this next recipe at home for a chicken with citrus-avocado salad. The sliced-up avocado makes it a MUFA-friendly meal:
You will need four chicken-breast halves, one grapefruit, one cubed avocado, four radishes, ¼ cup of basil leaves, 1/8 tsp. of salt and four leaves of red or green leaf lettuce. Boil the chicken in four cups of salted water for15 to 20 minutes. Peel and pit the grapefruit and cut it into segments. In a bowl, add avocado, radishes, basil and salt to the grapefruit. Drain the chicken, dice and drizzle with grapefruit juice. Add the avocado-grapefruit mixture and serve over lettuce. For dessert, enjoy a few pieces of dark chocolate for some extra MUFA.
Eat in Moderation
Remember, MUFAs are fats. They are calorie dense, and you will want to monitor how your body responds to eating them. The best diet is one where you incorporate these and other nutrients as well. As with any diet, consult with your physician with any quesitions.