Complications After Bariatric Surgery
Around 0.3 percent of surgeries result in the death of the patient. Usually death is a result of obesity related health problems such as lung or heart disease.
A pulmonary embolism occurs when a blood clot or deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in the patients leg breaks off and travels through the body to the patients lungs. Pulmonary embolism can result in death or severe breathing problems.
Around 2 percent of patients experience the development of ulcers resulting in symptoms such as discomfort when eating, vomiting blood and nausea.
Approximately 2 percent of patients suffer from a narrowing or stricture of the opening where the stomach pouch is connected to the bowel. This complication usually appears within the first two months following surgery, symptoms include vomiting and a decreased tolerance to food.
Non-Insulinoma Pancreatogenic Hypoglycemia Syndrome (NIPHS) is a rare complication where blood sugar levels become very low following the eating of food resulting in severe neurological problems.
The most common symptom of gallstones is pain under the ribs on the right side that spreads to the back. Almost 7 percent of patients require the removal of the gallbladder following surgery.